Budget Committee



The City of Sandy adopts a budget to guide decision making and execution of the overall operating and capital plans. The budget is prepared at the direction of the City Manager to address the goals and objectives of the City Council and fulfill the service level expectations of citizens and customers.  Information on the City of Sandy's budgets can be accessed here.


State law requires all municipalities to prepare and adopt a budget. The City of Sandy prepares a two year budget, referred to as a biennial budget. Additional information related to budgeting in the State of Oregon be found by clicking the following links: Local Budgeting in Oregon and Local Budget Law.


The Budget Officer (City Manager) creates the proposed budget. The proposed budget is present to the Budget Committee for consideration, deliberation, and approval. The committee consists of seven (7) citizen members appointed by the City Council, City Councilors, and the Mayor. Public notice is provided and testimony at these meetings is encouraged.

Once the budget is approved by the Budget Committee, the Council considers, deliberates, and adopts the budget.  Prior to their consideration, there is a public notice with a budget summary and several opportunities for public testimony.  The Council may make changes to the budget, but the amount of the estimated expenditure for each fund may not be increased more than 10 percent unless a summary of the revised budget is again published and another public hearing is held. Changes cannot be made to the tax rate once the Budget Committee approves the rate. 

Staff Contact:

Tyler Deems
City Manager
(503) 826-1079

Jan Lee Budget Committee Member - Seat #1 - Term ends 6/30/2026
Amelia Page Budget Committee Member - Seat #2 - Term ends 6/30/2026
Jeremy Pietzold Budget Committee Member - Seat #3 - Term ends 6/30/2026
Linda Malone Budget Committee Member - Seat #4 - Term ends 6/30/2028
Carl Exner Budget Committee Member - Seat #5 - Term ends 6/30/2028
Darren Wegener Budget Committee Member - Seat #6 - Term ends 6/30/2028
Art O'Leary Budget Committee Member - Seat #7 - Term ends 6/30/2028