Sign Permits

All wall, projecting, freestanding, integrated business center, panel changes and A-frame signs within the City Limits are regulated through Chapter 15.32 of the Sandy Municipal Code (SMC).  Limitations on types of signs are based on zoning districts, sizes, location, and quantities permitted.

General Information - Sign Design Review

All signs, both proposed and existing, must be in conformance with the Sandy Development Code and any other restrictions or conditions previously imposed by the City of Sandy on the subject property.

Supplemental information such as renderings and measurements must be submitted with the application.  Application submittal and payment of fee does not assure approval of the sign request, and fees are not refundable. Plans may require review by a structural engineer.  Contact the Building Division for additional submittal requirements.

Sign Code and Regulations

You can find basic information with regard to City of Sandy sign regulations at the following links.  You may also go to Title 15 of the Sandy Municipal Code for the full code citations for signage in the City of Sandy:

  • Residential sign regulations
    • Complete code sections: SMC 15.32.030 - "Signs allowed in residential zones -- permits required" and SMC 15.32.032 - "Signs allowed in residential zones exempt from permits but subject to regulation" 
  • Commercial & Industrial sign regulations
    • Complete code section: SMC 15.32.020 - "Signs permitted only in commercial & industrial zones"

Sign Permit Applications 

Permanent Signs

Complete a Permit Application Form and submit the following:

  1. Site plan: Drawn to scale with dimensions of site, abutting streets, existing and proposed buildings, and ALL existing signs.  The site plan should indicate location of proposed signs.

  2. Elevation drawings: Indicating dimensions, colors, materials, attaching hardware, and graphics of proposed sign(s).  Including measurements of wall(s) is necessary when signs are proposed to be wall-mounted.
  3. A letter from the property owner permitting the proposed sign.

Review Process

  1. Upon receipt of a completed application, the sign permit will be routed to the Planning & Development Department to determine compliance with Sandy Municipal Code and Building Code.  You will be notified when your sign permit is ready to be picked up.
  2. If your proposed sign will be lighted, an electrical permit must be obtained from Clackamas County.
  3. Signs may not be installed until a permit has been issued.
  4. Structural review may be required by the Building Official and will be subject to additional review fees.

For more information, please contact the Building Department at (503) 489-2173.

Temporary Signs

Temporary signs include all signs that do not have a permanent sign permit. (You do not need to wait for confirmation; this is a self-issuing permit.)

  • The maximum height of a free standing temporary sign is 6 feet

  • The maximum area of a temporary sign is 32 square feet 
  • Temporary sign to be displayed for 180 consecutive days in any calendar year
  • A banner to be displayed for 60 consecutive days out of 90 consecutive days

Attention attracting devices, flags, balloons, windsocks, pennants, streamers, valances, spinners, spirals, and other wind-activated devices including propellers are not allowed.