Clackamas County Health Clinic
Type II Design Review- Demolition of Existing Building & Construction of New Building
Clackamas County submitted an application for a new health clinic facility located at 39831 Highway 26. The proposal includes demolishing the existing building and constructing a new 9,381 square foot building, along with associated site improvements. In addition, the applicant is requesting the following:
- Type II Adjustment to Section 17.90.110(B.3.b) to not include a base material on 18 percent of the building’s façade.
- Type III Design Deviation to Section 17.90.110(B.3.d.1) to use vertical grooved sheet siding.
- Type III Design Deviation to Section 17.90.120(D.4) to not provide a primary entrance at the corner or within 40 feet of the corner.
- Type III Design Deviation to Section 17.90.110(D.7) to not provide a primary entrance that faces a public street or civic space.
- Type III Special Variance to Section 17.90.110(E.2) to not meet the 40 percent window requirement along street frontages and where the building abuts a civic space.
You are invited to take part in the City's review of this project by sending in your written comments and attending a public hearing before the City of Sandy Planning Commission on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. At the public hearing you will be given an opportunity to submit written testimony and present oral testimony. To maintain physical distancing and to maintain a capacity of less than 25 people the public is not allowed to attend the meeting in Council Chambers but may participate remotely. Please consult the City’s Website at Sandy Virtual Meeting Information for more information about how to participate remotely at the hearing.