Street Tree FAQ's
Yes. A tree removal permit is required for the removal of any street tree adjacent to your property. For properties without a planter strip, the front yard trees are officialy street trees.
A professional arborist can determine tree health. City staff will not make health determinations.
After a storm, if limbs and debris will not fit in your yard debris container, the City has a free chipper rental program.
Click on the following link for more information about "How to Reserve the Chipper": https://www.ci.sandy.or.us/publicworks/page/how-reserve-chipper
Yes. Street trees located in the planter strip are the responsibility of the homeowner.
No. The City will not remove a fallen tree, limb, or branch from a private owner's property or structures in most situations. The property owner is responsible for debris cleanup, tree removal, and repair of damaged structures.
If any structures were damaged, you may need a building permit for repairs. Please reach out to our Building Division at: building@ci.sandy.or.us
There is no fee to get a street tree removal permit but there is an application that can be submitted online at the following link: Online Street Tree Removal Application OR you can fill out a hard copy application that can be found on our Street Tree Removal webpage.
If the City replaced a street tree due to a utility repair or related damage, the tree becomes the property of the homeowner after the first growing season.
No. The property owner is responsible. Property owners may legally prune encroaching tree limbs and branches back to their property line but cannot do so in such a way that will remove more than 25 percent of the tree canopy.
No. The planter strip by the sidewalk is the maintenance obligation of the property owner. It's the responsibility of the property owners to provide safe and unobstructed access along the sidewalk. Failure by the property owner to maintain the trees may result in a code enforcement issue.
Please click on the following link for more information on tree pruning: https://www.ci.sandy.or.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/public_works/page/6251/22735.pdf
Please reach the Planning Department at planning@ci.sandy.or.us to assist in determining if a tree is a street tree. Please include your address along with a picture of the tree and where it's located, if possible.