Niswen Property
Property Information
Property title: Niswen property
Location description: Property on west side of University Avenue; north property line is parallel with Meeker Street
Tax lot(s): 24E14AD02300
Total property acreage: 0.26 acres
Zoning: C-2 General Commercial
Clackamas Co. Enterprise zone?: Y
Urban renewal zone?: Y
Wetlands on site?: N
Significant slopes on property?: N
- Electric: Portland General Electric
- Gas: NW Natural
- Water/sewer: City of Sandy
- Internet: SandyNet Fiber (gigabit fiber available at this location)
Additional information: This listing is in reference to the larger of the two properties pictured. The smaller property (tax lot ID# 24E14AA01700) is owned by same owners, and may also be for sale. Please feel free to inquire about including the smaller property as part of an overall deal.
Financial Information
Sales price: $300,000
Date available: immediately
Contact Information
Property owner: Niswen
Property owner contact info: n/a
Realtor: Macadam Forbes - Brett Bayne
Realtor contact info: (503) 972-7280 //