38530 Pleasant Street, Suite A
Property Information
Property address: 38530 Pleasant Street, Suite A
Building type: office
Zone: C-1 Downtown Commercial
Property square footage: 125 SF
Year of construction (if known): n/a
Number of floors: 1
Number of bathrooms: 2
Heating type: central HVAC
Air conditioning: Y
Parking (# of onsite spaces): 6 plus street parking
Current use/previous use: massage
Date available: January 1, 2025
Additional information: Private office with it's own private entrance available in a suite of 4 private office spaces that together share common areas. The shared common spaces include, kitchenette, reception, front entry, back wheelchair entry and two bathrooms (1-ADA compliant). The suite was remodeled 6 years ago. The other tenants are a massage therapist and and two tattoo artists (one artistic & one para-medical). Other businesses in separate suites in the building include acupuncture, massage, and a hair and nail salon. A one-year lease is required. Monthly rent and utilities average $550/month.
Financial information
Monthly rent: $430/month
Monthly triple-net/maintenance charges (estimated): $120/month
Minimum Term: 1 year
Sales Price (if for sale): not for sale
Contact Information
Property owner: Anna Zell
Phone number: (503) 341-1838
Realtor: n/a
Realtor contact info: n/a