Public Works




Right of Way Permit
All work in the right-of-way of City streets requires a street opening permit.

Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
As the City grows, neighborhood concerns about traffic are increasing. The City tries to incorporate "traffic calming" features into new street projects and retrofit them into existing streets.

The City also has a program in place to deal with these concerns.

Stormwater Management Incentive Program

The City of Sandy has initiated a stormwater management incentive program to encourage multi-family, commercial, and industrial property owners to reduce runoff by treating and disposing of stormwater on-site. The resulting decrease in runoff entering the stormwater system will reduce capital and maintenance costs to the City and the decrease in runoff and pollution loading will improve the water quality of streams in and around Sandy.

Sand Filters

Sand filters, like planter boxes, are structural reservoirs that filter pollutants from stormwater and slow water runoff.  Infiltration sand filters allow water to infiltrate through the sand and into the ground.  Flow through sand filters include the use of a waterproof lining, and include an overflow to an approved stormwater conveyance system.

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Block Party & Street Closure Requests

Block Party & Street Closure Requests

If you are interested in organizing a Block Party please download the Block Party Packet from the link shown below, (requires Adobe Reader or similar)

You may use the application and Petition / Notification forms in the packet or supply the same information in your own format.

Credit Program

The City of Sandy’s  stormwater management program defines one Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) as 2,750 square feet of impervious area, or the equivalent impervious area of a typical single-family home site.  Non-single-family-residential properties with more than one ERU of impervious area are charged the monthly stormwater management fee ($3.25) multiplied by the number of ERUs.

The impervious surface area of each commercial, industrial, and multi-family site was determined in one of three ways:

Discount Determination

The calculation of area mitigated by the various recommended methods is shown in the spreadsheet below.  The determination of the discount is shown below:


An eco-roof is a vegetated roof system that consists of lightweight soil and plants adapted to survive both the western Oregon wet winters and dry summers.  Eco-roofs reduce or eliminate runoff from roofs, and filters pollutants.  Additionally, eco-roofs provide habitat and food for insects and birds.  Benefits to the building include increased insulation on the roof, mitigation building and roof temperatures, and potentially longer lifespan than traditional roofs.

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Grassy Swales

Grassy swales, like vegetated swales, are long, narrow, channels that are used to filter and infiltrate stormwater from parking lots, sidewalks, streets, and other impervious surfaces.  Grassy swales are landscaped solely with a grass seed mix, and may be mown occasionally, depending on aesthetic and stormwater filtering requirements.

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Neighborhood Traffic Management Program

The primary goal of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program is to improve the livability and environment on neighborhood streets.  With that goal in mind, the following program objectives were identified:
