Public Works


Host a Special Event

The City of Sandy values special events as a means of bringing people together to enrich lives and strengthen our community through the celebration of arts, sports, culture, commerce and more...


The City of Sandy manages stormwater in order to reduce runoff and thereby reduce capital and maintenance costs to the City and improve the water quality of streams in and around Sandy.

The City requires all new developments to treat and detain stormwater from the 2, 5, 10 and 25-year storm events to pre-development conditions, as defined in the City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual, and in the City Municipal Code.

Street Banners

Please contact Nancy Payne at the City of Sandy Transit Department at 503-489-0927 or email with questions, comments, or to check availability of specific dates.

Thank you for your interest in the City of Sandy street banner program!

Street Lights

Streetlight Maintenance

Street Maintenance

The City has implemented a pavement management system to prioritize resurfacing projects and repairs. The system considers the condition and traffic volume of a particular street section and determines the most cost-effective treatment and timing. Much as you would want to repaint your home before the wood is exposed to the elements and damaged, the goal of the pavement management system is to keep existing streets from deteriorating past the point of economical repair.

Street Sweeping

Streets in Sandy are swept monthly. Please help keep your street clean by moving your car off the street when the sweeper comes through. See the map below for details.

Tree Planting

Trees can be used to mitigate for ground-level impervious surfaces due to their ability to intercept stormwater and allow it to evaporate, as well as dissipating the energy of runoff.  They also provide shade, which helps keep surface temperatures lower, and they facilitate stormwater infiltration and groundwater recharge.

Vegetated Infiltration Basins

A vegetated infiltration basin is a landscaped depression that accepts stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces, and is similar to a planter box.  The basins allow pollutants to settle and filter out, and also provide the opportunity for infiltration.  A vegetated infiltration basin can help fulfill site landscaping requirements.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Vegetated Swale Maintenance Requirements

As needed

  • Remove any debris or garbage that is caught in the swale
  • Clear the inlet(s) and outlet(s) to allow for proper flow dispersal
  • Inspect and repair damaged inlet erosion control devices and check dams
  • Water plants as needed until established
  • Remove sediment build-up, determine source of sediment, and take measures to prevent it from re-entering the facility
  • Take appropriate pest control measures if insects or rodents are inhabiting the swale


    Vegetated Swale Planting Specifications

    The minimum plant material quantities per 100 square feet of facility area are:
