Police Programs & Services
Traffic Enforcement
The Department has a number of tools to enforce speed limits in neighborhoods. Time permitting, officers can monitor speeds with radar and laser instruments. Residents can help out by noting the license plate and vehicle description of chronic speeders. Call us with the information at (503) 668-5566 or after hours at (503) 655-8211.
The police department recognizes that many of the citizens of our community own firearms for different lawful purposes. We encourage all gun owners to responsibly secure them against inappropriate use by children and unauthorized adults. To help facilitate this, the police department has acquired gunlocks and will provide them free of charge to anyone who requests them. Gunlocks may be obtained at the business office during regular business hours. If you require assistance in the proper application of the gunlock, an available officer can advise you.
Fingerprinting - By Appointment Only
The police department provides fingerprinting services Monday-Thursday 9:30 AM-5:30 PM. The cost is $25.00 (cash, check, or charge) for the first card and $15.00 for each additional card. Individuals being printed must present a piece of government-issued photo ID. Call the business office, 503-668-5566, to schedule an appointment.
Important: When scheduling an appointment, please make us aware of any problems you may have encountered while previously being printed. We may need to refer you to an agency that does digital fingerprinting. Also, if you are ill on the day of your appointment, please call and reschedule.

What Should You Do with your Expired or Unwanted Medicine?
It is easier than ever to get rid of your unwanted prescriptions with Med-Project.org. All Clackamas County Libraries now have postage paid envelopes that you can pick up for free (please do not take your prescriptions with you to the Library) and mail off for destruction. Sandy Library, Hoodland Library and Estacada Library are your local options.
Also, you can go online to Med-Project.org and have the postage paid envelope mailed to your home.
Remember that this program is for Prescription medication only and does not accept liquids or sharps/needles. Unused vitamins can be thrown in the trash and are often helpful to various plants in your house and garden.
For prescription liquids and sharps containers, they need to be taken to: Metro South Transfer Station, 2001 Washington Street, Oregon City, OR. Remember that they will also accept all of your unwanted hazardous waste such as paint and pesticide chemicals from 9:00am till 4:00pm daily.
Unwanted Firearms and Ammunition
The Sandy Police Department will accept firearms and ammunition for proper disposal. Guns and ammunition can be surrendered by calling the Evidence Technician at 503-489-2191 for an appointment.
Explosive materials, such as old blasting caps, should never be transported. Please call us and we will arrange for the proper agency to assist you.
Stop.Think.Connect - Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Campaign
Stop.Think.Connect. is a national public awareness effort to guide the nation to a higher level of Internet safety by challenging the American public to be more vigilant about practicing good "cyber hygiene." It will persuade Americans to see Internet safety as a shared responsibility - at home, in the workplace, and in our communities - and demonstrate that shared responsibility by bringing together a coalition of federal, state and local government, as well as private sector partners.
The creation of Stop.Think.Connect. was the result of an intensive collaborative effort over the past year from the Online Consumer Security and Safety Messaging Convention, an effort organized by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), the Anti-Phishing Work Group (APWG), key industry leaders, government agencies, and nonprofits.
Led by the Department of Homeland Security, the ultimate goal of Stop.Think.Connect. is to raise awareness among the American public about the need to strengthen cybersecurity - and to generate and communicate new approaches and strategies to help Americans increase their safety and security online.
For more information on common myths and keeping your computer and electronic information safe and secure, please visit the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency website.
Alarm Permits
The City issues alarm permits in an effort to help reduce the number of false alarms the Sandy Police Department receives. In the Supporting Documents below is an alarm permit application as well as information about the alarm ordinance and FAQs.