2025-27 City Council Goals


  • Enhance public safety and community livability through enforcement of the municipal code.
    • Establish a community livability committee.
  • Continue addressing homelessness through partnerships with local and regional partners, including shared costs for staffing related to behavioral health needs.
  • Continue to implement a traffic safety and speed enforcement program, including deployment of technology that will assist with enforcement and gather accurate speed data in areas of concern within the city.
    • Seek grant funding to support traffic safety and speed enforcement, and other programs within the Police Department.
  • Evaluate the Public Safety Fee and explore options for basing fees on safety response demand.
  • Ensure that the School Resource Officer program remains financially sustainable.
  • Update Park Rules and City Facility Rules to ensure safe and equitable use for all.


  • Advocate for the financial independence of the Sandy and Hoodland Libraries.
    • Explore alternative funding sources if necessary.
  • Identify and secure the remaining funds needed to upfit the outreach vehicle.


  • Complete, adopt, and implement the SandyNet Master Plan to ensure the resiliency and sustainability of the utility, including staffing levels and space needs.
    • Develop clear criteria for determining when and where SandyNet expansion will occur.
  • Advocate for development of a Clackamas County CBX master plan that incorporates Sandy’s needs and priorities into the decision-making process for CBX system expansion in the Sandy area.


  • Continue to promote transit as a safe, efficient mode of transportation; Continue to increase ridership.
  • Implement infrastructure improvements, including the Operations Center expansion, bus stops along the Clackamas Town Center route, and other improvements within the City.
  • Advocate at the state level for improvements in statewide transportation funding, including STIF distribution to small/rural agencies.
  • Identify funding and procure alternative fuel vehicles.

Parks and Recreation

  • Invest in our park system for current and future residents of Sandy and continue expansion of recreational opportunities for the community.
    • Complete Deer Pointe Park construction, Meinig Park renovations, and Tickle Creek Trail restoration.
    • Pursue opportunities to purchase park land for future park facilities and/or natural area and open space preservation.
    • Continue to expand Winterfest, and make it sustainable in terms of funding and staff capacity.
  • Provide support, resources, and assistance for a community-led effort to establish a parks and recreation special district.
  • Explore interim improvements at the former Cedar Ridge site, including potential paving and necessary stormwater management.
  • Identify strategies to reduce the utility costs associated with the Bornstedt Park Splash pad.
  • Pursue budget options for enhancing the department’s maintenance capacity.
  • Prioritize environmental stewardship that aligns with the objectives of the City.
  • Work with community service personnel to ensure that parks are patrolled regularly and that park regulations are enforced.

Development Services

  • Develop a clear policy for ERU allocation that is strategically aligned with the City’s interests.
  • Review and formally adopt the Economic Development Strategic Plan as a Comprehensive Plan background document.
  • Take action to update the City’s zoning map.
  • Revisit the Pleasant Street Master Plan with minimal reliance on consulting services.
  • Apply for an ODOT Safe Routes to School Grant with cooperation and financial contribution from the Oregon Trail School District.
  • Develop short-term rental regulations and pursue flexibility for usage of associated revenue.
  • Develop policies and pursue funding opportunities to make the community more resilient against wildfire and other natural hazards.
  • Study options for updating the City’s regulations on outdoor burning.
  • Ensure compliance with state legislative and regulatory mandates through code amendments that are responsible and reflect the community’s values.
  • Continue to improve and refine code language, policies, and practices related to code enforcement.
    • Establish a code enforcement abatement fund.
  • Continue to pursue options for cost recovery.

Public Works


  • Complete Alder Creek Water Treatment Plant improvements.
  • Progress construction of Portland Filtration Transmission System to near completion.
  • Complete Water Management Conservation Plan Update.
  • Explore a tiered rate structure for water consumption; review and update agreements with wholesale water customers.
  • Secure necessary funding to complete projects.
    • Update system development charges.
    • Pursue all options for securing outside funding assistance for infrastructure projects.


  • Continue to comply with the terms of the consent decree.
    • Complete and adopt the Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment.
    • Complete UV upgrades and other repairs and maintenance at the wastewater treatment plant.
    • Execute required CMOM and SARP programs.
  • Complete ARPA-funded grant projects before grant expiration in December 2026.
    • Secure the 190 additional ERUs conditionally approved under the Capacity Assurance Program.
  • Explore possible alternative wastewater treatment systems to facilitate targeted economic development under the moratorium.
  • Secure necessary funding to complete projects.
    • Convert exiting WIFIA loan to Gresham pipeline option.
    • Update system development charges.
    • Pursue all options for securing outside funding assistance for infrastructure projects.
  • Provide comprehensive and accessible information on the City’s water and wastewater infrastructure challenges, including past decisions, legal restrictions, evaluated options, proposed solutions, funding strategies, and implementation plans.


  • Complete pavement management plan; ensure pavement plans are visible and accessible to the public.
  • Complete initial study of intersection at Highway 211 and Dubarko Road to determine required budget for safety improvements.
  • Design and complete ADA ramps along Highway 211 as required by jurisdictional transfer agreement.
  • Evaluate options to improve congestion at the intersection of Hwy 26 and Ten Eyck.


  • Begin development of stormwater master plan and rate study; address recovery of riparian areas as part of the plan.
  • Continue to maintain and improve City assets.
    • Proactively manage and maintain stormwater treatment facilities.
    • Study potential upgrades to lower Meinig Park parking lot to address flooding.
    • Pursue solutions to challenges posed by center medians.
  • Maintain compliance with existing and new state regulations related to stormwater.

City Governance

  • Establish a Heritage Advisory Board to preserve and celebrate Sandy through historical preservation, public art, and heritage tourism.
  • Establish a Community Awards program to honor significant contributions and achievements.
  • Ensure adoption of asset management principles throughout the organization.
  • Ensure proactive and effective communication with residents, particularly regarding major projects and fee impacts.
  • Update the composition of the Urban Renewal Board.

City Operations

  • Supplement staff capacity to implement the Economic Development Strategic Plan to create more living wage jobs, support local business growth, and support a strong local economy.
  • Improve the audio and visual technology in the Council Chambers.
  • Address the City’s immediate space needs; develop a long-term integrated space management plan that anticipates and plans for future needs.
  • Budget for replacement of assets including vehicles and other major equipment.
  • Encourage cross-department collaboration.
    • Collaborate on grant writing opportunities.
  • Explore the possibility of hiring a grant writer.