Right of Way Permits
Permits are required for any work in the public right-of-way of City streets. Work in the right-of-way of Hwy 26 requires a permit from ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation). The exception is that portion of eastbound Hwy 26 (Pioneer Blvd.) between Bluff Rd. and Ten Eyck ‘behind’ the curb line; a permit from the City is required in this area, ODOT permits are required for any work between the curb lines. Work in the right-of-way of County roads requires a permit from Clackamas County. Contact the City or Clackamas County if you are not sure whether a street or road is under County or City jurisdiction. The street sweeping map usually coincides with the jurisdiction of city streets.
The public right-of-way includes the area ‘behind’ the curb and in most cases at least 3 feet ‘behind’ the sidewalk on improved streets.
The right-of-way is more difficult to identify on unimproved streets, (i.e. no curb and/or sidewalk), please call Public Works to confirm the location of the right-of-way on unimproved streets.
Permits for simple sidewalk and/or driveway approach work can be obtained through the Building Department by emailing us at building@ci.sandy.or.us or by calling 503-489-2173.
Permits for placing utility lines, street construction or performing similar work must be obtained through Public Works.
Permit submittal requirements, application forms and the general conditions applicable to every permit can be found below:
If you have any questions or comments please contact pwpermits@ci.sandy.or.us