Submission Requirements

Project plans must be submitted electronically with the Permit Application Form for review and approval. Plans will be returned to the applicant electronically with any redlines/corrections and a permit approval letter. For simple crossings or service laterals/drops serving single-family dwellings or small commercial/industrial sites a simple sketch may be submitted if project plans have not been prepared for the work. 

At a minimum, project plans shall be drawn to scale, (engineer scale only, not fractional or architect’s scale), include plan and section views and must show the following information:

  • Purpose of application, (directional bore; push; plow; street cut, etc.)
  • Type of Utility, (CATV, Power, Telecomm, Gas, Fiber, etc.)
  • Utility for whom the work is being performed and the applicant’s project or job number.
  • Location of Proposed Utility Placement, Direction of Crossing, Parallel or Perpendicular to Street, etc.
  • Street Address, (From – To) or stationing and/or nearest cross street(s)
  • Size of excavation including bore and exit pits) width, depth and length of trench. – All facilities must be located a minimum of 30” below finish grade, (including roadside ditches or swales).
  • Proposed start date and completion date
  • Size and type of material for any conduits, (all Power, Telecomm, Fiber and CATV facilities must be placed in conduit)
  • Plan view showing right-of-way and pavement width, (curb to curb or edge to edge) and proposed facility location. Plan view should also show any features - (pole and/or pedestal locations, curbs, sidewalks, driveway approaches, etc.) in the immediate project area.
  • Profile or section view must show proposed facility location, right-of-way and street widths, (including curb and sidewalk locations) and depth of cover over facility.
  • Indicate type of trench backfill and surface restoration proposed.

Simple crossings or service laterals need not be drawn to scale but must clearly convey the information required above. Plans submitted without the required information or illegible plans will be returned to the applicant.

A Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Sandy, its officers, agents and employees as additional insured is required for all work performed in the public right-of-way. A performance bond or other suitable guarantee may be required for work performed by contractors on behalf of franchised utilities or developers. Work performed by employees of franchised utilities is typically covered under the City’s franchise agreement.

Questions regarding permit applications, plan submittal requirements, insurance and bonding may be directed to Molly Thompson at 503-668-0618. Submit permit applications and plans to