Protecting Stormwater

Stormwater is precipitation that falls and runs over land and eventually into a stream, river, lake, or ocean. When it rains, stormwater flows over the ground and picks up pollutants and carries them to the storm drainage system which goes directly into creeks, streams, and lakes without being treated. An illicit discharge is when various pollutants enter the stormwater drainage system. This may happen in two specific ways either directly through the spilling or dumping of pollutants or indirectly when pollutants are collected during a rain event and are carried to storm drains that connect to underground pipes that lead directly to a nearby stream or creek without being treated. Pollutants that would be considered illicit discharges include but are not limited to, sediment, soap, pet waste, litter, oil, fertilizer, pesticides, and raw sewage.
Please report illicit discharges to the Public Works Department at or the Police Department at (503) 668-5566.
TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) Reports
The City of Sandy is apart of the Sandy and Willamette Rivers Basins. The City works with DEQ on creating and updating our TMDL reports annually to meet several water quality standards, including bacteria, mercury and temperature. These standards assure that beneficial uses of the rivers and tributaries, such as swimming, fish consumption and fish rearing, are protected. A TMDL determines how much pollution can be added to the river without exceeding water quality standards. Past annual reports and 5 year updates of the TMDL can be found below.