Subdivision/Partition Requirements and Application
What is the difference between a partition and a subdivision? Partitions are land divisions of three or fewer parcels in a calendar year. Subdivisions are land divisions of four or more parcels in a calendar year. Both processes are approved through a two-step procedure: (1) tentative plat review and approval; and (2) final plat review and approval.
Where can I find partition and subdivision requirements? Partition and subdivision submittal requirements and review criteria are found in Chapter 17.100, Land Division, in the Development Code.
How do I apply for a partition or subdivision and what are the steps involved? The first step in dividing land is to call City staff to discuss your proposal. With this call you will be able to find out general requirements and timelines for completing this process. The next step is to request a pre-application conference that will detail the requirements of the application. After the pre-application conference you will have a better understanding of what needs to be submitted for your land division.
After the partition or subdivision has received tentative plat approval there may be improvements that need to be made prior to final plat approval. Once the required improvements are made or bonded you can apply for final plat approval. After final approval the plat is then processed by the Clackamas County Surveyors Office to ensure compliance with applicable state statutes. Once the final plat is signed and recorded, the partition or subdivision is complete.