Job Seeker Resources

Job Search Websites

Simply Hired -

Indeed -

JobDango - Local Oregon and Washington State employment search engine:

Mac’s List - Portland's source for jobs in Portland and throughout Oregon:

USAJOBS - The U.S. Government’s official system for federal jobs and employment information:

Government Jobs Public sector jobs:

Resume Builders and Templates

Simply Hired Resume Builder.  No account required.

Google Docs Resume Templates: Log into your Google account or create one here.  Click on the menu option in the upper right corner.  Click on Docs.  Click on "Template Gallery" and scroll down to the resume section then select a resume template.  

CVMaker -  Lets you create and print resumes for free.  Minimal formatting capabilities with free account.  Having an account lets you save resumes that can easily be edited later to suit specific job requirements.

Job and Career Accelerator - Resume Builder: Job and Career Accelerator has many resources to help with preparing for a career or career change, studying for career-specific exams, creating a resume, job searching, networking, and preparing for the interview process.  Immediate access from a library computer.  Library card required if accessing from your own device.  A free account is required.  This allows you to save resumes, progress in lessons, and keep records of tests. Free resume templates.  Free account required.

Tips for Writing a Resume

Purdue Online Writing Lab

Tips for Writing a Resume

Monster Jobs - Resume and Career Tools:

Preparing for an Interview

GCF Learn Free - Get useful tips and strategies to prepare for, conduct, and follow up after a professional job interview.   Go to

Career One Stop - Sponsored by the US Department of Labor

Monster Jobs - Interview Practice Questions

Tips for preparing for a job interview

Virtual Interview

Virtual Interview on Zoom - how to join a zoom meeting