Library Community Room
Community Room Policy
The Sandy and Hoodland Library community rooms are available for use by groups for educational, social, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities benefiting residents of the Sandy and Hoodland Libraries service areas.
A. Library or City of Sandy programs and sponsored events have priority in the use of meeting room space. The Library reserves the right to reschedule confirmed meeting room reservations to accommodate library-sponsored programs and events. Though highly unlikely, cancellations by the Library can be made 48 hours in advance of scheduled meetings.
B. No admission fees may be charged or solicited
C. No donations of money or other property may be solicited or collected from the audience
D. No promotions or sales of services, products, merchandise, materials or other items are allowed. However, at a library-sponsored program or event, or on behalf of the Friends of the Sandy Library, Friends of the Hoodland Library, or The Library Foundation, authorized sales of services, products, merchandise, materials or items or solicitations for donations are permitted.
E. An adult age 18 or older must complete the Community Room application form, and at least one adult age 18 or older must be present when youth groups use the meeting rooms.
Important: Reservation requirements vary depending on the renter’s status as nonprofit, government agency, for-profit, or individual. Certain entities (see below) must pay $25/hour for use of the room; All are subject to cleaning fees if the cleaning duties (see Section III) are not met.
NONPROFIT : A nonprofit organization (NPO, also known as a non-business entity).
A. Reservations by NPOs for the meeting room may be made no more than one month in advance. Use is granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Use of the meeting room may be limited to once per month for each renter, due to limited meeting room space.
B. There is no hourly fee for use of the room. However, credit card information must be provided as security in the event that the room is left damaged or untidy by the renter. The credit card will be charged a penalty fee of $25.00 if the community room is not left in good order (See IV. CLEANING DUTIES FOR ALL RENTERS). Additional cleaning fees may apply. If the credit card information and signed contract are not submitted to the library at least one week before the date of the reservation, the reservation will be cancelled.
C. Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the date of the reservation or a cancellation fee of $25.00 will be applied to the credit card.
GOVERNMENT: A government covers city, county, state, federal, and entities authorized by them.
A. Reservations for the meeting room may be made three months in advance. Use is granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Use of the meeting room may be limited to once per month for each renter, due to limited meeting room space.
B. There is no hourly fee for use of the room. However, credit card information must be provided as security in the event that the room is left damaged or untidy by the renter. The credit card will be charged a penalty fee of $25.00 if the Community Room is not left in good order (See IV. CLEANING DUTIES FOR ALL RENTERS). Additional cleaning fees may apply. If the credit card information and signed contract are not submitted to the library at least one week before the date of the reservation, the reservation will be cancelled.
C. Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the date of the reservation or a cancellation fee of $25.00 will be applied to the credit card.
FOR-PROFIT : A for-profit entity or business operates in the private sector , with aims to benefit itself.
A. Reservations for the meeting room may be made one month in advance. Use is granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Use of the meeting room may be limited to once per month for each renter, due to limited meeting room space.
B. For-profit entities must pay a fee of $25.00 per hour for use of the Community Room. Credit card information and signed contract must be submitted to the library at least one week before the date of the reservation unless other arrangements have been made with library staff. The credit card will be charged a penalty fee of $25.00 if the Community Room is not left in good order (See IV. CLEANING DUTIES FOR ALL RENTERS). Additional cleaning fees may apply. If the credit card information, payment, and signed contract are not submitted to the library at least one week before the date of the reservation, the reservation will be cancelled.
C. Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the date of the reservation to receive a refund.
INDIVIDUALS: Those not associated with a non-profit, government agency, or for-profit.
A. Reservations for the meeting room may be made one month in advance. Use is granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Use of the meeting room may be limited to once per month for each group, due to limited meeting room space.
B. Individuals must pay a fee of $25.00 for use of the Community Room. Credit card information and signed contract must be submitted to the library at least one week before the date of the reservation unless other arrangements have been made with library staff. Additional fees for cleaning may be applied if the community room is not left in good order (See Cleaning Duties for All Renters for more information). If the credit card information and signed contract are not submitted to the library at least one week before the date of the reservation, the reservation will be cancelled.
C. Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the date of the reservation to receive a refund.
A. The renter may use the computer and/or projector with prior arrangement by selecting the option for computer/projector on the application form. Library staff will be available to assist with setup and troubleshooting only during library hours.
B. Light refreshments may be served, but renters may not prepare food on library property.
C. In publicizing a meeting to be held in a library meeting room, the sponsoring group must be clearly identified. Renters must not imply library sponsorship of their program or organization in their publicity. Implied sponsorship of the Sandy or Hoodland Library may result in cancellation of the reservation.
D. The Hoodland Library Community room is only available for use during the Hoodland Library's hours of operation. The Sandy Library Community Room is available for use both before and after the Sandy Library's hours of operation. For reservations that begin before the library is open, prior arrangements will be made to let the renter into the library. For reservations that extend after the library's hours of operation, the renter must arrive and check in at the front desk before the library is closed. It is the renter's responsibility to direct others attending the reservation to enter through the doors on the west side of the building if the library is closed.
E. The Library is not responsible for answering questions from the public regarding a reservation. The renter must provide contact information to those attending the event and direct questions to this contact instead of the Library.
F. With prior approval from library management, the renter may post signs in designated library locations.
G. The Library is not responsible for theft of or damage to property brought into a library meeting room.
H. The individual who signs the contract as the renter must be present throughout the reservation period.
I. Each renter is responsible for ensuring that attendance at its meeting does not exceed the maximum occupancy (76 at Sandy Library, 24 at Hoodland Library) for the meeting room as set by the Fire Marshall.
J. A laptop and projector are available for use with the rental of the community room. Any works shown in the Community Room are considered a public performance. Copyright and Fair Use rules must be followed. Any showing of copyrighted work where the renter does not own the copyright and where Fair Use does not apply requires a public performance license purchased and provided by the renter for use at the library. Proof of purchase of a public performance license must be presented to library staff prior to the reservation date.
Renters are responsible for general cleanup and returning furniture to the way it was found.
Cleaning fees will be applied to the renter’s credit card if the following tasks are not completed and/or the room is left dirty or damaged.
A. Vacuum the main room. The vacuum is located in the closet.
B. Clean the counters and sink with disinfectant spray. Dishcloths are in the cupboard above the sink. Disinfectant spray is under the sink.
C. Place all soiled dishcloths in small white container on the counter by the kitchen sink.
D. Empty garbage into dumpsters.
a. At Sandy: dumpsters are located on the southwest corner of the building. Use the flashlight plugged into the outlet in the kitchen if garbage is taken out after dark.
b. At Hoodland: dumpsters are located in the enclosure at the apartment complex next door.
E. Reline garbage cans. Liners are available under the sink or at the bottom of the garbage can.
F. Wipe off all tables with disinfectant spray.
a. At Sandy: stack tables in the closet.
b. At Hoodland: fold tops up and push next to the cabinets.
G. Stack all chairs on dollies
a. At Sandy: return dollies to closet.
b. At Hoodland: return dollies to the corner of the room.
H. In addition, at Sandy Library:
1. Remove all food from the refrigerator.
2. Sweep the kitchen floor, cleaning up any sticky spots or spills.
3. Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher – Do not run the dishwasher - Library staff will run the dishwasher.
4. Leave four tables out, arranged in the configuration below:
1. All reservation requests must be submitted by completing the online application form .
2. The renter will be notified by email if / when the use of the meeting room has been authorized.
3. Upon authorization, a contract will be emailed for the renter to sign. Credit card information and signed contract must be received at the Library at least one week before the date of the reservation. The reservation is not confirmed until both the credit card information and signed contract have been submitted to the Library.
4. If you do not receive an email from us within 72 hours after submitting an application, please call us at 503-668-5537
Policy approved by Library Board 7/5/2023.