Sandy Seed Library

Sandy Seed Library "It will grow on you"

The Sandy Seed Library 

Sandy Seed Library is a free seed project committed to increasing the capacity of our community to feed itself wholesome food by means of education that fosters community resilience, self-reliance and a culture of sharing.
  1. Complete a seed envelope for each type of plant you will grow.
  2. Take 1-2 seeds per plant you want to grow from its plastic zip bag & place them in your prepared envelope.
  3. Please choose ONLY seeds that you will plant NOW, so there are plenty for others too. 
  4. Check out your seed envelopes at the main desk. 
There is no due date on seeds, but we encourage you to learn how to save seeds for yourself and to donate back to the seed library. Learn to grow and harvest your own seeds at

To learn about classes, gardening tips, and other Sandy Seed Library activities, please sign up for the Seed Savers and Gardeners Email List.

Email Brianna Chase for further information -



There is no guarantee that seeds from the SANDY SEED LIBRARY or the SEED SWAP will grow or that the plants will be what is listed on the seed packet label.

By accepting seeds from the Sandy Seed Library, you agree to waive, on your own behalf and on behalf of anyone else, any and all claims of liability against the Sandy Public Library, or the City of Sandy, its trustees and employees, for any injury or any form of loss which may result from the use of the seeds obtained from the Sandy Seed Library