Kids Club - Sandy Library

Lego character with blue hair
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm for the Sandy Library Kid's Club!
This program takes place in the Hoyt Community Room in the Sandy Library.
Kids Club Schedule:

2nd Tuesday - Legos: Visit the library after school to make LEGO creations that will be displayed at the library! 

4th Tuesday - STEM Activity: Join us for an in-person STEM program each month! 


Kids Club is for grades 1-5.

STEM in February will be Fantastic Freshwater Ecosystems!

Use magnifying devices to observe pond water: what do you see? Come learn about freshwater ecosystems and creatures found in them. Discover differences between natural wetlands and backyard standing water. Investigate mosquitoes and how to stay safe from them. Explore ways to help wildlife, including creating habitat and stopping invasive animals and plants.

Engaging Every Student Logo.

This program is provided by Rick Reynolds from Engaging Every Student.