Author Talk: I Miss the Rain in Africa by Nancy Wesson

Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Book cover for I Miss the Rain in Africa by Nancy Wesson

Date: Thursday, September 26th
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Sandy Library Community Room


At the age of 64, Nancy stepped out of her comfortable life, shuttered a business and headed to Uganda as a Peace Corps Volunteer. For two-plus years she served a population of post-conflict survivors while working with a literacy organization – living as the locals. Nancy will share some amazing tales about living in a radically different culture – and returning to a life that no longer fit. I Miss the Rain in Africa was awarded the Nautilus Book Award and the Moritz Thomsen Peace Corp Experience Award.

Photo of Nancy Wesson

Nancy has recently relocated to Sandy to be nearer family. Her books will be available for purchase.