Summer Reading Program
July 1, 2020 - August 31, 2020
This summer join us online for summer reading with Beanstack!. Log your reading, complete activities, write book reviews, and earn virtual badges.
Get the Beanstack Tracker app for iOS or Android
Don't have access to the Internet? A paper option is available for Kids, Teens, and Adults upon request.
Upon completion, all participants will receive a $5 fine voucher. Kids and teens will also get to select a book to keep for completing the program.

Grand Prizes
- Baby - Preschool: Duplo Set
- Grades K - 5: iPad mini with an Apple Pencil
- Grades 6 - 12: iPad mini with an Apple Pencil
- Adults - $100 cash

Summer Reading is sponsored by Friends of Sandy Library and Friends of Hoodland Library.